check out the video above for a great overview of Train Heroic!
Train Heroic: your new WOD tracking software!
As of August 31, big changes will be coming to the way we post track workouts! We’ll be sending out invites for each and every one of you to create your own Train Heroic profile (don’t worry, it is linked with your current Front Desk account)- from there, you’ll be able link up with our three “teams”:
-Heart and Barbell Club
Every athlete at CFCDA is invited to follow all three teams; athletes will be able to access any workout, on any day.
We’ll encourage you to make your profile more robust by adding pictures, current PR’s, and more!
By linking up with Train Heroic, it is our hope that every athlete at CFCDA will have access to world-class workout tracking. You’ll be able to easily see what your previous best times/lifts are, and as coaches, we’ll be able to better adjust the daily workout to your skill level. Additionally, this will allow us to closely monitor both individual athletes and the entire training group, in order to ensure that the daily dose of awesome is as effective as possible!
Train Heroic has all sorts of great features that you guys will love: You will be able to see programming by the week; the online leaderboard function will allow you to see how your workout stacked up against the rest of the gym (if you are in to that sort of thing); you’ll have automatic percentages based on your one-rep maxes for major lifts; give your buddies online kudos, write on their wall, and share your workout on social media, all from your Train Heroic athlete page!
Be on the lookout for a welcome email, in the meantime, here is a link to the Train Heroic iOS app: